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"University Research Journal" № 4, 2013 г.

“No One Would Ever Look for the Aforementioned”: History of Research into Incorrect References to F. A. Kozen and the Crimean Caves

I. Yu. Lapina
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyzes improprieties in references, as well as lack of unanimity in understanding and interpretation of ancient artifacts of South-Western Crimea as exemplifi ed in the work of the fi rst director of the Civil Engineering College F. A. Kozen, explorer the Crimean caves. F. A. Kozen was the fi rst person in historiography to connect the genesis of the Crimean caves with primeval people (troglodytes) and author of a hypothesis about the stones processing technique and cave building. This subject was the source of numerous references to F. A. Kozen’s text in pre-revolutionary Russian, Soviet and modern historiography.
Keywords: scholarly ethics, historiography, reference rules, Crimea, F. A. Kozen,
caves, troglodytes.
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12. Sistematicheskiy ukazatel’ k Zhurnalu Putey Soobshcheniya. 1826–1865. SPb.: tip. Imp. Akad. nauk, 1866. 175 s.
13. Ernst N. L. Eski-Kermen i peshchernye goroda Kryma // Izvestiya Tavricheskogo obshchestva istorii, arkheologii i etnografi i. T. III (60-y). Simferopol’, 1929. S. 15–43.
14. TAURICA. Opyt ukazatelya sochineniy, kasayushchikhsya Kryma i Tavricheskoy
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Price: 50 рублей
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