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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2013


Fu Shuai
Price: 50 руб.
Peking opera characters appear as real people – they are vividly depicted and original.
Thse features help them to take shape in painting; by means of colour and shading their
artistic aesthetics is revealed and the natural fusion of Peking opera and painting takes
place. The images of characters are a kind of bridge for combining these two kinds of
art and they are a completely new phenomenon in classical painting. The authors of the
paper analyse the usage of Peking opera characters in Chinese painting.
Key words: painting, Peking opera, characters, innovation.
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3. Shen’ Tszundi. Khudozhestvennoe razvitie i privnesenie novykh elementov v kostyumy v kitayskom teatre // Tszyuy Tszotszya. 2010. № 6.
4. Lyu Debin’. Goroda-tsentry kitayskoy zhivopisi i teatra i ikh samobytnye cherty // Ishu Tan’so. 2011. № 2.
5. Yan Ibi. O svyazi kitayskoy zhivopisi i teatra // Sitsyuy ven’seyu. 2010. № 5.
6. Li Baysyue. Postizhenie teatra cherez zhivopis’ // Chzhungo tszintszyuy. 2011. № 8.
Price: 50 рублей
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