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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2013

ANTI-UTOPIA AS A POSTMODERN PHENOMENON (based on the fim “eXistenZ” by David Kronenberg)

T. A. Bogatyryova
Price: 50 руб.
The task of the article is to fid out whether anti-utopia is only a genre or a genre-busting
phenomenon and how anti-utopia exists within postmodern philosophy. For this purpose
the author addresses to David Kronenberg’s fim “eXistenZ” (1999), a recognised sample
of classics of fantasy, anti-utopia and biopunk.
Key words: postmodern, existence, fear.
1. Gusev A. Buystvo ploti. Devid Kronenberg, moralis // Seans. 2005. № 23/24.
2. Lanin B. A. Anatomiya literaturnoy antiutopii // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost’. 1993. № 5. S. 154–163.
3. Trofienkov M. Golaya pravda ekranizatora snov // Iskusstvo kino. 2000. № 5.
Price: 50 рублей
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