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"The Scientific Opinion" № 6, 2013

Synthetism of circus direction

O. V. Pyataeva
Price: 50 руб.
The article views the specifiity of circus direction and the main art methods of modern
circus. Today it is important and topical that one of the conditions of producing a circus
act depends on its art components. The an act becomes a result of observation of human
life, naturally combining art and sports. The author describes the techniques of creating
a circus act through the example of expressive means and repertoire.
Key words: circus, director, performance, staging, trick.
1. Bardian F. G. Sovetskiy tsirk na pyati kontinentakh. M.: Iskusstvo, 1977. 206 s.
2. Belinskiy A. A. Zapiski starogo spletnika. SPb.: AST-Press, 1994. 304 s.
3. Bogdanov I. O rezhissure original’nykh zhanrov. SPb.: SPbGATI, 2003. 108 s.
4. Gurevich Z. B. O zhanrakh sovetskogo tsirka. M.: Iskusstvo, 1977. 302 s.
5. Dmitriev Yu. A. Sovetskiy tsirk M.: Iskusstvo, 1963. 356 s.
6. Kuznetsov E. Arena i lyudi sovetskogo tsirka. L.; M.: Iskusstvo, 1947. 228 s.
7. Nemchinskiy M. I. Tsirk Rossii naperegonki so vremenem. M.: GITIS, 2001. 463 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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