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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5, 2013 г.


I. V. Grigoriev
Price: 50 руб.
The article investigates the modern print media developments in Venezuela and their
relation to the evolution of the political concept of Bolivarianism which is the core concept for modern Venezuela. The author considers the leading print media, their role in the nowadays political landscape as well as their interrelation with the financial groups dominating the political landscape of Venezuela.
Key words: media scene, media landscape, Bolivarianism, institutional vacuum.
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14.  Sanoja P. Ideology, institutions and changes: explaining Political change in Venezuela // Bulletin of Latin America research, Vol. 28. No 3, pp 394-410, 2009.
15. Venezuela newspapers. URL: http://www.pressreference.com/Uz-Z/Venezuela.html
Price: 50 рублей
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