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"University Research Journal" № 3, 2012

Comparative Method of Alexey Veselovsky (from the History of Humanities)

G. V. Stadnikov
Price: 50 руб.
Alexey Nikolayevitch Veselovsky (1843-1918) remains one of the few comparativists, who attempted to reconstruct the Western European context of Russian literature by demonstrating the diverse co-infl uence and reciprocity in the process of interaction between Russian and world literatures. Using numerous examples, A. N. Veselovsky
has proven that cultural exchange is one of the most important contributing factors in the development of Russian literature. Works by Alexey Veselovsky have become a solid foundation of Russian comparative studies.
Key words: A. N. Veselovsky, comparative method, Russian literature, Russian comparative studies.
1. Akademicheskie shkoly v russkom literaturovedenii. M., 1975.
2. Buslaev F. F. Stranstvuyushchie povesti i rasskazy // Russkiy vestnik. 1874. T. 110,
3. Veselovskiy Aleksandr. Istoricheskaya poetika. M., 1989.
4. Veselovskiy Aleksey. «Al’tsest i Chatskiy» // Etyudy i kharakteristiki. 4-e izd., dop. M.,
1912. T. 2.
5. Veselovskiy Aleksey. Zapadnoe vliyanie v novoy russkoy literature. 5-e izd., dop. M.,
6. Izvlecheniya iz otchetov lits, otpravlennykh za granitsu dlya prigotovlenii k professorskomu zvaniyu. Iz otcheta Aleksandra Veselovskogo // Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya. 1963, dekabr’. Otdel 11.
7. Starinnyi teatr v Yevrope. Istoricheskie ocherki. M., 1870.
8. Etyudy i kharakteristiki: v 2 t. M., 1912.
Price: 50 рублей
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