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"University Research Journal" № 3, 2012

Interdisciplinary Integration as the Cornerstone of Curriculum Design at the Institutions of Higher Learning

N. V. Popova
Price: 50 руб.
The article focuses on the issue of interdisciplinary integration of subjects in constructing academic curriculum on the basis of competencies approach. The author suggests an assessment of integrated competencies at the institutions of higher learning and their role in the formation of professional competencies as set forth by the education standards of the federal government. The article provides specifi c examples of interdisciplinary interaction during the process of formation of competencies
and a concise description of the implementation of interdisciplinary core concepts in the academic courses, interdisciplinary teaching materials and modules. Internal and external cognitive mobility patterns are viewed as the most essential characteristics of interdisciplinary module. The article emphasizes the role of academic subjects contributing to computer literacy and fostering interdisciplinary learning, especially
students’ self- directed learning.
Keywords: integration, federal government education standards, interdisciplinary
synthesis, integrated college competencies, academic courses, course books,
modu les.
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Price: 50 рублей
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