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"University Research Journal" № 3, 2012

Nature and Natural Healing: on the Issue of Folk Medicine of the Mordva People (Vladimir Oblast)

L. I. Nikonova, E. G. Chibiryova
Price: 50 руб.
Vladimir oblast is a land of rich history and abundant nature, where many peoples live side by side. The history of ethnic groups in the area is multifaceted; however, the Mordva people have always strived to live on arable land, in the wooded areas and
close to other sources of livelihood. Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants of the Mordva people, as well as substances of animal origin used in folk medicine is age-old, primarily in the area of herbal treatment.
Keywords: traditional knowledge, folk medicine, Mordva, Vladimir oblast.
1. Vladimirskaya oblast’ [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C2%E
B%E0%E4%E8%EC%E8%F0%F1%EA%E0%FF_%EE%E1%EB%E0%F1%F2%FC (data obrashcheniya 19.09. 2012 g.).
2. Mir rasteniy i zhivotnykh Vladimirskogo kraya [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http://www.
town33.ru/ (data obrashcheniya 19.09. 2012).
3. Territorial’nyi organ Federal’noy sluzhby gosudarstvennoy statistiki po Respublike
Mordoviya. Natsional’nyi sostav naseleniya 2010 po Respublike Mordoviya [Elektronnyi
resurs]. URL: http://mrdstat.livejournal.com/6857.html (data obrashcheniya 25.03. 2012 g.).
4. Chislennyi sostav mordvy v sub’yektakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii (po dannym Vserossiyskoy perepisi naseleniya 2002 g.) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http://www.mordva1000.ru/mordva-vmire/59-chislennyy-sostav-mordvy-v-subektah-rossiyskoy-federacii.html (data obrashcheniya 25.03. 2012).
Price: 50 рублей
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