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Humanities and Science University Journal № 77 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2023

The Impact of the Barbizon School on Nathaniel Hone the Younger’s Landscape Painting: a Comparative Analysis of the French and Irish Periods

Anna E. Znaenok
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2023_77_77
Abstract. The paper analyses the artistic career of the Irish painter Nathaniel Hone the
Younger with a focus on his period of study and residence in France, particularly in Bar-
bizon. It analyses the infl uence of Thomas Couture and Camille Corot on Hone’s artistic
evolution, and how the traditions of the Barbizon school are embodied in his landscape
painting. Special emphasis is placed on the analysis of Corot’s infl uence on the colour
palette, compositional decisions, and technical aspects of Hone’s landscape painting. Fur-
ther consideration is given to the specifi cs of Hone’s art following his return to his home
country of Ireland, in particular, the subtle shifts in his creative approach, the retention and
progression of skills acquired at Barbizon, and their adaptation within the unique context
of the Irish landscape.
Keywords: 19th-century Irish art, Barbizon school, realism, landscape, en plen air
Price: 0 рублей
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