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Humanities and Science University Journal № 76 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2023

Russian Musicals Against the Background of the History of the Genre

Cai Zhuo
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 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2023_76_117
Abstract. The article presents a generalisation of some features of Russian musical in the
context of its history. Against the background of the worldwide promotion of the genre,
musical in Russia has its own distinctive features and original history. The notable role in
it was played by the “Thea-Jazz” of the artist, singer and conductor Leonid Utesov and the
fi rst musical fi lm comedy “Jolly Fellows” (1934) directed by Grigory Alexandrov with the
participation of Utesov and his band (the music by Isaac Dunaevsky). The further fate of
Russian musicals is also associated with the parallel development of the musical fi lm genre,
on the one hand, and theatrical performances in Soviet theatres of outstanding examples
of foreign composers, on the other hand. Acquaintance with such works as the jazz opera
“Porgy and Bess” by George Gershwin, “The Threepenny Opera” by Kurt Weill, the “My
Fair Lady” musical by Frederick Loewe and “West Side Story” by Leonard Bernstein
increased the interest of composers and the public in the genre and led to the appearance
of their own successful versions.
Keywords: musical, rock opera, zong opera, rap opera, musical comedy
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