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Humanities and Science University Journal № 75 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2023

Manifestation of National Traditions in the Works of Li Yuqiu

Zhang Cong, Anastasia N. Papenina
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 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2023_75_133
Abstract. Li Yuqiu is one of China’s most infl uential composers. His accordion art is based on traditional musical culture. Using rich national and folklore music as a creative material, combined with Western compositional techniques, he carried out bold research in the field of harmony, compositional structure and performance technique, thereby fi lling his works with a vibrant national style and modern atmosphere. Li Yuqiu’s accordion works span a wide range of genres, including sonatas, fugues, suites, solo compositions, concertos, and ensembles. They are valuable material for studying the way of nationalisation of accordion music in China. Within the framework of the article, the accordion works of Li Yuqiu are used as an object of study, the authors analyse national features in the composer’s works.
Keywords: Li Yuqiu, composer, accordion, national traditions, musical creativity,
composition, performing techniques
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