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Humanities and Science University Journal № 75 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2023

А. G. Rubinstein’s “The Tower of Babel”. Methods of Opera Dramaturgy

So Wingchi
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 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2023_75_107
Abstract. To date, A. G. Rubinstein’s opera “The Tower of Babel” (1869) has not received any detailed discussion in musicology. The conclusions of the analysis made in this article are compared with the key provisions of Rubinstein’s letter (1882) devoted to the characteristic features of the genre of “sacred opera”. The analysis of the dramaturgy of “The Tower of Babel” opera is based on the structure of the opera as a whole, the work
with the biblical plot, the confl ict of the main characters, the genre spectrum of their
statements, and the signifi cance of the choral scenes and numbers. The specifi c imagery of the opera’s scenes is formed through the interaction of the main characters and choruses of different characters — human, angel and demon, while the musical characterisation of the philosophically generalised main characters — Nimrod and Abraham — forms a separate conflict line of development. These vectors make it possible to identify a combination of lyrical-dramatic and epic features in the opera as a peculiarity of the genre of sacred opera.
Keywords: “The Tower of Babel”, A. G. Rubinstein, sacred opera, dramaturgy of opera
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