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Humanities and Science University Journal № 73 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2023

Efforts of the Committee for Guardianship of Russian Icon Painting to Preserve Russian Icon Traditions at the Beginning of the 20th Century

Olga A. Bilan, Tamara N. Trusova, Svetlana V. Shapiro
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2023_73_56
Abstract. The Orthodox culture attracts the attention of wide circles today. The canonical Orthodox icon is worshiped not as a material object, but as a refl ection of a religious image. The Russian philosopher, theologian Pavel Florensky noted that an icon is a vision of the other world outlined by an icon painter, a kind of window in another world for a believer. The spiritual life of society is impossible without the spiritual activity of the people. Of particular importance in this case are cultural and educational institutions, whose activity is aimed at educating people. Cultural transformations at the beginning of the 20th century are ambiguously refl ected in modern scientifi c and journalistic literature. In this regard, there is a need to turn to the historical aspects of the turn of the 20th century. The article highlights the activities of the Committee for Guardianship of Russian Icon Painting. The authors of the paper describe the concern of the Committee for the preservation of the traditions of Russian icon painting and the diffi culties experienced by the Committee in the preparation of educated icon painters. The publishing activity of the Committee is shown and its initiatives are presented.
Keywords: Soviet culture, icon painting, Soviet art, Old Russian painting, post-revolutionary modernisation, Russian icon, Committee for Guardianship of Russian Icon Painting, spiritual activity, Church, Orthodox culture
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7. Труды Всероссийского съезда художников в Петрограде. Декабрь 1911 —
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8. Церковные ведомости. 1902, No 11. С. 244–246.
9. Известия высочайше учрежденного Комитета Попечительства о русской
иконописи. СПб., типография МВД. Вып. 2, 1903. С. 50, 66.
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11. Иконописный сборник. СПб., 1907–1910. Вып. 1–4.
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