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The Scientific Opinion №3 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023


Svetlana A. Kotova, Elena K. Veselova, Margarita V. Posadskaya, Polina D. Abramova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_3_54
Abstract. The article presents the results of a study on the emotional and value characteristics of adolescents who have lived for a long time in the zone of military conflict in the Lugansk and Donetsk republics and came to rest in Saint Petersburg. This was organised with the purpose of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of adolescents through the formation of a safe and positive culturally rich educational environment (the method of substitute impressions). The psychodiagnostic study was conducted before and after the children’s rest. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to obtain data on the psycho-emotional state and the level of development of value orientations of adolescents who have been in a military conflict zone for a long time in order to develop adequate programmes for their psychological rehabilitation. The purpose of the research is to study the emotional state and value orientations of adolescents who have lived in a military conflict zone for a long time. In total, the study involved 147 teenagers aged 12–16 from the LPR and DPR, who came to the recreation center of the Herzen University in the summer of 2022. The research methods included: 1) a questionnaire about the psycho-emotional state and expectations of schoolchildren from a holiday in Saint Petersburg; 2) the authors’ methodology for ranking values; 3) a modified methodology for studying attitudes to the future (section of the Sachs–Levy methodology “Unfinished Sentences”). The results of the study showed that the organisation of recreation for teenagers was successful in terms of creating an environment of substitute impressions. During the shift, the percentage of positive
emotions in adolescents increased significantly, and the level of anxiety decreased by 50%.
The difficulties of establishing friendly contacts decreased. Teenagers highly appreciated the results of the rest: they gained useful knowledge, made new friends, solved some of their psychological problems.
Keywords: teenagers in the zone of military conflict, psycho-emotional state, value orientations, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation, anxiety, positive emotions, strategy of substitute impressions
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