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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023


Xing Go
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_1–2_147
Abstract. The problem of adaptation of foreign students to the new sociocultural and academic environment is one of the topical issues of our time. The survey of Chinese students of the Institute of Art Education of the Herzen University identified a range of problems that arise when they study fine arts, interact with teachers and other students. The most difficult issue is the theoretical material that must be mastered in Russian. The students see the main advantage of training at the Institute in performing creative tasks, when teachers show maximum attention to the activities of Chinese students. The results obtained can be used in the adaptation of educational programmes in art universities of Russia.
Keywords: cultural problems, language problems, psychological problems, foreign students, Chinese students, art education, fine arts, sociocultural adaptation, academic adaptation
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