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Humanities and Science University Journal № 69 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Formation of Historical Interests of the North Caucasian Local Historian I. D. Popko in the Context of Studying His Interpersonal Relationships

Mikhail S. Sivkov
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2022_69_140
Abstract. The study of history involves not only the identifi cation of events, dates and
facts, but also the role that a person plays in it. This approach has become not only a way of deeper cognition of the historical process, but also an important tool for objective and detailed presentation of information. This paper analyses a number of publications from the personal library of the outstanding Kuban fi gure I. D. Popko and reveals personalities associated with the formation of his historical interests. The research was based on the catalogue of the “Own Library of the Stavropol Provincial Leader of the Nobility, Major General I. D. Popko, Left by Him in the Noble House in the City of Stavropol on the Occasion of the Trip to the Active Corps of the Caucasian Army in April 1877”, most fully presented in the State Archive of Stavropol Krai, as well as in the work of I. V. Dubinin and I. G. Ivantsov “Materials for the Bibliographic Reconstruction of the Catalogue of Ivan Popko’s Personal Library”.
Keywords: I. D. Popko, Caucasus, Kuban region, Stavropol Territory, Black Sea Cossack
army, personal library, monument protection, educational activities, museum
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