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Humanities and Science University Journal № 69 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

The Portrait of Sergei Uvarov by Orest Kiprensky as a Refl ection of the Aesthetic and Social Views of the Depicted

Yuri Yu. Gudymenko
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2022_69_50
Abstract. The article examines one of the central works of the portrait genre of the 1810s — the portrait of Sergey S. Uvarov by Orest A. Kiprensky. This painting is invariably the focus of all major monographs on the artist’s work, however, this article offers a different view of the image created by Kiprensky. The task of this study is to analyse the idea of the work, to switch attention from the “general” to the “private”, to try to see the “characteristic” and the “individual” in the portrait. Kiprensky’s idea is seen in an effort to refl ect Uvarov’s intellectual pursuits through a few (but very vivid) details of commenting signifi cance.
The relevance of the chosen topic is connected with the disclosure of the main features
of the portrait genre of the “era of Romanticism”, emphasising the substantial complexity
of the portrait image; this feature of the portrait of the fi rst half of the 19th century is still
insuffi ciently researched in art studies.
Keywords: portrait of Sergey S. Uvarov by Orest A. Kiprensky, portrait of the 1810s,
symbolism in the portrait, “portrait-biography” and “portrait-generalisation” in the portrait
genre of the Romantic era
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