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Humanities and Science University Journal № 68 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Language Representation of the Category of Duality in the Conspiracy Novel “Angels and Demons” by D. Brown

Elena V. Skugareva
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Abstract. The aim of this article is to defi ne and analyse lexical units used for construction and presentation of two opposed spheres of human society — science and religion. Fiction text becomes a place for representation of duality of the modern world. It refl ects a modern period of science development called “post-nonclassical”. The integration of rational and irrational aspects of knowledge characterises this epoch. The innovative aspect of the research consists in the analysis of language representation of the two spheres of human activity – science and religion – through the prism of the category of duality in a conspiracy detective novel. The category of duality in the novel text is presented by mentioning the characters’ occupation, a number of dichotomies and the basic concept of religious and scientifi c spheres. When constructing the picture of the world of the literary work, the author creates his own refl ection of it.
Keywords: period of post-nonclassical science, dualism, category of duality, conspiracy 
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