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Humanities and Science University Journal № 68 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Chinese Poetry of the Tang and Song Eras in Chamber Vocal Lyrics of the 20th Century

Liu Wenjing
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Abstract. In the history of China, the Tang and Song dynasties are of great importance. 
In the Tang era, the hermetic existence of Chinese civilisation is opened, an active trade, 
economic and cultural dialogue with other countries begins. By the same time, Chinese 
poetry reaches its culmination in its development. From the 18th century to the present day, the poetic heritage of the Tang and Song eras attracts the attention of artists from different countries, inspiring the creation of musical works. In the 1920–1930s, the genres of chamber vocal lyrics were formed in the works of Chinese composers. Classical Chinese poetry occupies a signifi cant place in the works of this direction. In artistic songs and romances that arose under the infl uence of European romantic music, it was Chinese poetry that in many ways allowed composers to preserve their unique national identity. The article discusses the main thematic areas of poetry of the Tang and Song eras and their refraction in vocal works of Chinese composers of the 20th century. Special attention is paid to the understanding of lyrical imagery in Chinese poetry, which differs in many ways from European poetry, and its refl ection in vocal genres. 
Keywords: Chinese poetry, Chinese composers of the 20th century, Tang and Song eras, chamber vocal lyrics, artistic song
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