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Humanities and Science University Journal № 68 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

The Specifi cs of Chinese Traditional Handscroll Painting

An Tianpeng
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Abstract. The creation and development of handscroll painting as the main form of existence, storage and presentation of early Chinese traditional art was infl uenced by the aesthetics of calligraphy, the concept of the unity of space and time, as well as various religious and philosophical ideas. Due to the centuries-old work and innovation of generations of artists, painting on scrolls gradually formed a single and peculiar style, which is characterised by such features as the dynamic visual language, the “wandering gaze” technique, as well as interactive expansion of the aesthetic qualities of space, which was associated with the peculiarities of artistic perception. This article is devoted to the peculiarities and specifi cs of traditional Chinese painting on handmade scrolls.
Keywords: Chinese traditional painting, scrolls, unity of time and space, dynamic image, interactive expansion
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