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Humanities and Science University Journal № 68 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Formation of the Musical Genre in Russia

Vyacheslav V. Shulin
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Abstract. The article discusses the issues of the formation of the Russian musical genre and the peculiarities of its development. The main differences of musical as a phenomenon of musical theatre of the 20th century are not only the recognised combination of its performing means (vocal, acting, choreographic), genre forms (stage, cinematic), but also the originality of its position in the hierarchy of the arts themselves, at the same time connecting both mass and dramatic forms. The originality of a Russian musical can be identifi ed in many of its components, ranging from the theme of the plot, mentality, structure of literary and melodic phrases, and musical instruments.
Keywords: musical, musical theatre, jazz, musical stage, musical fi lm, musical direction
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Price: 0 рублей
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