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Humanities and Science University Journal № 68 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Cognitive and Linguistic Specifi city of Spoken and Written Language Forms

Alla G. Gurochkina
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Abstract. The article focuses on the problem of the correlation of oral statements and written texts. A critique of the traditional approach identifying oral and written forms of speech is given. The existence of a signifi cant difference between them as phenomena of different ontology, different dynamics of linguistic activity is confi rmed and justifi ed, the difference in their interpretation and understanding is noted and described.
Keywords: language, spoken language, written language, interaction, speaker, reader, 
meaning, sense, autopoiesis, understanding
1. Malinowski B. The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages. In C.K, Ogden 
and I.A. Richards. The Meaning of“Meaning”. 2nd revised edition. New York: Harcourt, 
Brace @ Company. 1927. P. 296–336.
2. Wierzbicka A. Semantics: Primes and universals. Oxford, New York: Oxford 
University Press. 1996. 500 p.
3. Cowley Stephen J. Language fl ow: opening the subject. Cognitive Semantics 4.
2009. P. 64–92.
4. Maturana H. R. Biology of language: The epistemology of reality// Psychology 
and Biology of Language and Thought / ed. G. Miller, E. Lenneberg. New York: 
Academic Press. 1978. P. 27–63.
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