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Humanities and Science University Journal № 67 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Traditional Culture and the Latest Trends in the Work of Contemporary Artists of Russia and China

Lin Hao
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Abstract. With the development of the world community, the convenience of communication, the process of obtaining information becomes more and more accessible. The clash of cultures in different countries, their interaction and interpenetration lead to the expansion of boundaries in the worldview of artists. They create combinations of objects and phenomena already known to them, bring new ideas to their works, so it can be argued that the work of modern artists is also diversifying. In their works lots of artists strive to combine the traditional culture of their country with a foreign one. This paper is devoted to the analysis of contemporary artists of Russia and China, the study of the traditional culture and modern development trends.
Keywords: traditional culture, modern trends, Chinese painting, works of art, Russian and Chinese artists
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