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Humanities and Science University Journal № 67 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

The Chinese Baritone: Artistic Practice and Singing Style of Wen Kezheng

Wang Haobo
Price: 0 руб.
Abstract. The paper is devoted to the work of the outstanding Chinese baritone Wen 
Kezheng. The author of the paper examines the creative path of the composer, analyzes 
the artistic practice and style of singing on the example of the interpretation of the Russian romance by A. Rubinstein “Yellow streams at my feet” (from the cycle “Persian Songs”). The author notes that Beijing baritone Wen Kezheng is a singer of high professional level, who is equally convincing both in the national Chinese and in the European repertoire. The singer is distinguished by the scale of his talent, the beauty and fullness of his voice, the depth of interpretations, which allowed critics to compare him with F. Chaliapin. Wen Kezheng’s repertoire includes many works by Russian composers and his interpretation is a vivid example of the chamber-vocal performing art of the 20th century.
Keywords: China, baritone, Wen Kezheng, Russian romance, style, vocal performance, 
A. Rubinstein
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Price: 0 рублей
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