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Humanities and Science University Journal № 67 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

«The Four Seasons» in Chinese interpretation: Zheng Qufeng's vocal cycle «Seasons of the Motherland»

Zhang Qianwei
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Abstract. The paper presents Zheng Qufeng’s vocal cycle based on poems by Qu Cong 
“Seasons of the Motherland”. The work became a symbol of the time symbolizing the 
transition to the renewal of life after a period of stagnation. Its four large-scale vocal parts are dedicated to the four seasons of the year, allegorically corresponding to the lyrical 
experiences of signifi cant events in the life of the country. The composer deepened the 
allegory of the cycle of nature and the state of China in different periods, concentrating 
the brightest colors of Chinese vocal art, refl ecting the richness of national traditions, in 
the “Seasons of the Motherland”. The theme of the Motherland is freed from the shackles of the “Cultural Revolution” ideology, and returns to its true origins, which existed in the 
national consciousness thanks to the depth of the artistic images of the “Seasons”. In the vocal cycle, the composer managed to sum up the experience acquired by Chinese vocal music until the end of the Cultural Revolution and become the starting point for the beginning of a new era in the national song culture.
Keywords: Zheng Qufeng, Qu Cong, “Seasons of the Motherland”, vocal cycle, vocal 
genres, national traditions, song, “seasons”, interpretation
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