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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Scenography in the Productions of W. Shakespeare's Tragedies at St. Petersburg Drama Theaters at the Turn of the 20th — 21st Centuries. Experiments with Space, Search for New Artistic Ideas

Elena N. Grinina
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Abstract. W. Shakespeare is the most popular playwright in the world. Each generation 
tries to look at itself and the surrounding reality by trying on Shakespearean images. At the end of the 20th century, the drama theatres of St. Petersburg often turned to the tragedies of W. Shakespeare. The academic approach to the design of a classical work is in line with the experimental scenography. At that time, the art of scenography in the Russian theatre creates an information-energy experimental base for experiments in the decoration of Shakespeare’s plays in the future. The paper discusses the fi gurative artistic and decorative design of M. F. Kitaev for the productions of “Hamlet” and “Othello” at the Alexandrinsky Theatre, set design in “Hamlet” by V.M. Kramer and B.H. Petrushansky at the Theatre “Farces”, as an example of the interpretation of a Shakespearean play using a different genre, “Richard III” by A.B. Gorenstein is given as another example of the alternative space development which realizes the artist’s intention.
Keywords: scenography, artist, drama theater, stage scenery, tragedy, W. Shakespeare, 
“Hamlet”, “Othello”
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