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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Lucian Prigozhin’s Children’s Piano Cycle “Nature Calendar”

Liu Zixin
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Abstract. The paper examines the remarkable children’s program cycle by L. Prigozhin, 
which has not yet taken the place in the performing and pedagogical repertoire which it 
certainly deserves. The signifi cance of the collection in the composer’s heritage is deter-
mined, as well as the music existence on the concert platform. The author gives the music playing analysis of each miniature. Parallels are drawn with pieces from children’s cycles by P. Tchaikovsky, S. Maykapar, and others. The author highlights the possibility of including the collection in the concert repertoire, by emphasizing the importance of studying the collection by Russian and Chinese young pianists.
Keywords: composer, music, piano, pianist, teacher, conception, program, cycle, collection, miniature, performance, tempo, dynamics, articulation, pedal
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