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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Linguistic Representation of Social Status and Role as a Translation Problem

Svetlana V. Kudrya, Natalia O. Magnes
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Abstract. The paper investigates the translation techniques used in the English translations of stories by Mikhail Zoshchenko to convey the information about social statuses and roles. One of the main themes of Zoshchenko’s stories is creation and exploration of new social reality. Therefore, the language describing the characters’ social statuses and roles is high on the translator’s priority list. The paper analyses the translation of noun phrases that denote social statuses and roles. In particular, the paper focuses on translation transformations used to render derogative and culturally situated components of meaning. The conclusion is made that the language of the translated stories is less invective and conveys fewer negative attitudes as compared to the source texts. 
Keywords: social status, social role, noun phrases, translation
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