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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Visual Space in Italian Futurist Painting: Tullio Crali’s Approach

Illarion E. Kon’kov, Maria A. Nesterova
Price: 0 руб.
Abstact. The paper focuses on characteristics and visual space in aeropainting, an artistic movement originated in Italy in early 1930s. It aimed to capture the dynamism, energy and movement of the aeroplane in art. Tullio Crali was the most infl uential Futurist artist who changed the common perspective methods to achieve the particular view from above, and mixed classical notions of perspective with the Futurist vortex model to create a dynamic effect. The authors studied Crali’s approach to the alternative pictorial perspective. His dynamic compositions, numerous horizon lines and multiple vanishing points were based on the movement of the airplane that became a new ideal. On the example of Crali’s works the authors illustrated how the pictorial perspective effect was used to promote new heroic ideals, the idea of technologic progress. 
Keywords: Italian Futurism, aeropainting, art of 1930s, space in painting, alternative per-
spective effects, Tullio Crali
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Price: 0 рублей
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