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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Folklore Origins of Ma Sicong's Music

Elena O. Nazarova, Bu Yanwen
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Abstract. The paper is devoted to identifying the folklore origins of the music by Ma Sicong (1912–1987). The research focus is on the principles of the embodiment of elements from Taiwanese folklore and Chinese traditional culture in the legacy of the 20th century composer. The musical language of Ma Sicong, on the one hand, is refl ection of the national art, on the other hand, the introduction of Western European compositional techniques in the composing process. In his art, Ma Sicong refl ected the idea of   multiculturalism in his compositions, presenting the multi-vector of Chinese traditional music in the context of the modern musical language. The result of this unity was the original composer’s style, based on the national tradition. On the way of integrating Chinese culture into the global environment, the composer’s legacy of Ma Sicong is still relevant to the beginning of the 21st century.
Keywords: Ma Sicong, creative evolution of Ma Sicong, traditional Chinese music, music  of Taiwan, “Amei-suite”
1. Jie Jin, Chinese music, Echos in Ancient and Modern Times. / Translated by Wang 
Li and Li Rong, Beijing: China Intercontinental Press, 2010. 158 р.
2. Levis J. H. Foundations of Chinese Musical Art. New York, Paragon Book Reprint 
Corp, 1963. 233 р.
3. The Chinese Musician Si-cong Ma died of Illness in America on May 20, 1987 // 
People’s Daily, 2003, 1 August «Today in the History» section
4. Jingwei Zhang, 1912-1987 // Sicong Ma: Chronology 1912-1987, Beijing: China 
Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing Co., 2004, 234 р. (张静蔚.马思聪年
谱 1912–1987.北京:中国文联出版社,2004. 234 页.)
5. Hakka Music Net. “Hakka Music,” Hakka Affairs Council, https://english.hakka.
gov.tw/Block/Block?NodeID=583&LanguageType=ENG (accessed: 07. 12. 2021).
6. Su Xia. Postscript to …// Collection of Sicong Ma’s Violin Works, Beijing: 
People’s Music Publishing House, 1995. 324 с. (苏夏.后记. 马思聪小提琴曲集. 北
京:人民音乐出版社, 1995. 324页.)
Price: 0 рублей
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