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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Traviata on the World Stage: Tradition and Innovation

Galina V. Abdullina, Zhu Ziyi
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Abstract. The paper examines some issues of interpreting Verdi’s opera La Traviata, which has been staged with great success on all well-known world stages. It is noted that many innovations of recent decades are refl ected in the performing culture. The part of Violetta was performed by famous sopranos from different cities and countries. All singers bring their own features to the interpretation of the part, revealing the inner world of the heroine in their own way, showing her personality from different angles. The performance options are related to the peculiarities of the vocal apparatus of the soloists, stage creativity, vision of the stage director. The result depends on following the composer’s intention or moving away from it. 
Keywords: Traviata, opera productions, world stars, soprano, interpretation, tradition, 
innovation, Mariinsky Theater
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