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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

From the History of the Benedetto Marcello Conservatory of Venice

Elena V. Pankina
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Abstract. The paper is devoted to the history of establishing the Benedetto Marcello Con-
servatory of Venice and retrieving its location in the urban space. Setting up a professional music education institution in Venice met requirements of training musicians for opera, church music and city music life. What is signifi cant for Italian terminology is that there was no difference between the status of lyceum and conservatory till the mid XX century. This status is something that identifi es independence of music education and correlates it with university level. The movement of the conservatory in the urban space shows changes in the status of the professional education institution. After a long period of functioning in a variety of buildings the conservatory was housed in Palazzo Pisani. Artistic assemblies and archives of the Palazzo as a cultural complex create the historical context which combines traditions of Venetian culture and modern creative practice. 
Keywords: music education, musical culture of Italy, Venice Conservatory
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2. Il Conservatorio di musica Benedetto Marcello di Venezia, 1876–1976: Cente-
nario della fondazione: Palazzo Pisani / [A cura di P. Verardo]. Venezia: Stamperia di 
Venezia, 1977. 299 p.
3. Brusegan M. I palazzi di Venezia. Roma: Newton & Compton, 2007. 405 p.
4. Bassi E. Palazzi di Venezia: Admiranda urbis Venetae. Venezia: Stamperia di 
Venezia, 1980. 602 p.
Price: 0 рублей
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