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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Du Yun’s «Angel’s Bone» as an Example of Cross-Cultural Chinese Opera

Zong Qiuyang
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The «Angel’s bone» is Du Yun’s one-act opera. Du Yun is a China-born woman composer who lives and works in New York. The plot and music of the opera combine various genre and style features of lyric and tragic opera, cabaret, musical, rock opera, Renaissance polyphony, avantgarde, punk rock, and electronic music of late 20th century. The vocal and instrumental parts meld bel canto and the singing manner common for the national Chinese opera; apart from this, the composer uses traditional and avant-garde techniques of sound production. Du Yun’s opera conforms to the cross-cultural and multicultural paradigm relevant to the 21st century, which has been developed on the basis of postmodern artistic and aesthetic concepts, and post-avant-garde trends of late 20th century. The «Angel’s bone» was awarded the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Music, and the composer became recognized all over the world. The given paper analyzes the opera by the Chinese composer in terms of the cross-cultural paradigm.
Keywords: Chinese opera, “Angel’s Bone”, Du Yun, crosscultural paradigm, multiculturalism.
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