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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Significance of Experience of Studying in the USSR for Zhang Huaqing’s Painting

Lin Wenxin
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The success of Zhang Huaqing’s painting cannot be separated from his experience of studying in the Soviet Union. This special period is valuable enough to enable him to systematically understand Western painting, with the mission and responsibility of the country, seize the day, keep forging ahead, and form his own style on the way of art exploration. This paper discusses the selection of theme, the organization of brush strokes and texture, the use of external light and strong light, the treatment of color change and the formation of style in Zhang Huaqing’s works, so as to explore the objective factors affecting the growth of Zhang Huaqing’s art, and to understand Zhang Huaqing’s oil painting from different perspectives
Keywords: oil painting, subjects, painting in natural light, brushstroke, color, style.
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