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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Ornamental Elements of Chinese Ancient Painted Ceramics in the Decoration of Modern Ceramic Products

Wang Xingqian
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Ancient painted ceramics is an outstanding handicraft creation of the Chinese primitive society. Actually, its ornaments and patterns can be considered as a great achievement of the ceramic art. This paper examines the value of using ornaments of ancient painted ceramics in the decorative design of modern ceramic products, within which three main aspects are touched upon – the artistic form and aesthetic meaning of ornaments of painted ceramics, changes in the aesthetic needs of modern society and the use of ornaments of ancient painted ceramics in the decorative design of modern ceramic products. The issue of borrowing and using elements of painted ceramics in the decorative fi nishing of modern ceramic products is considered in the paper in accordance with the forms of design, creative concepts, layout and external form of ornaments.
Keywords: ornaments of painted ceramics; traditional culture; creative concepts; modern design; decorative fi nishing of ceramic products.
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