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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Ivan Godlevsky (1908–1998). The Fate and Style of the Artist of Leningrad Landscape Painting

A. Y. Tsvetkova
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The paper examines the life and work of the Leningrad painter I. I. Godlevsky. It analyzes how the personal and professional qualities of the artist, his fate, his path in art and the peculiarities of his individual style in the works are interconnected. The author shows signifi cance of the landscape genre for the artist to gain his own creative identity. The paper outlines the problem of studying the heritage of the bright painter, distinguished in the leading art trends of landscape painting in Leningrad in the 1960s–1980s.
Keywords: Leningrad landscape painting, Godlevsky, fauvism, Heinrich Wölffl in, Albert Marquet, the Krushchev thaw, Art Nouveau.
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2. Ivan Ivanovich Godlevskiy / Leningradskaya organizatsiya Soyuza khudozhnikov RSFSR; N. S. Priymenko [vst. st.]; I. I. Godlevskiy [sost. kat.]; L. V. Mochalov [red.] L.: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1977. 9 s.
3. Ivan Ivanovich Godlevskiy / Leningradskoe otdelenie Soyuza khudozhnikov RSFSR; M. S. Kagan [vst. st.]; V. M. Shvedova [sost. kat.] L.: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1961. 19 s.
4. Kaplunov V. Ivan Ivanovich Godlevskiy (1908–1998). URL: https://igodlevsky. ru/biography (data obrashcheniya: 22.07.2021).
5. Kekusheva G. V., Lyubimova V. D., Kaplunov V. S., Ryazanova S. G. Ivan Godlevskiy. SPb.: Petropol’, 2004. 46 s.
6. Kononikhin N. Yu. Ivan Godlevskiy: sluzhenie iskusstvu. SPb.: [b. i.], 2015. 95 s.
7. Malevich K. S. Sobranie sochineniy: v 5 t. / K. Malevich; A. S. Shatskikh [obshch. red., vstup. st., sost., podgot. tekstov i komment.]. T. 2: Stat’i i teoreticheskie sochineniya, opublikovannye v Germanii, Pol’she i na Ukraine, 1924–1930 / G. L. Demosfenova [sost., predisl., red. per., komment.]; A. S. Shatskikh [nauch. red.] M.: Gileya, 1998. 379 s.
8. Master tsveta Ivan Godlevskiy / V. S. Kaplunov [avt.-sost] ; V. S. Kaplunov [avt. st.]; V. D. Lyubimova [avt. st.]; A. D. Borovskiy [avt. st.]. SPb.: Petropol’, 2006. 359 s.
9. Osmerkin. Razmyshleniya ob iskusstve. Pis’ma. Kritika. Vospominaniya sovremennikov / A. Yu. Nikich [sost. i obshch. red.]. M.: Sovetskiy khudozhnik, 1981. 399 s.
10. Dvilyuk Marіya. Galits’kiy khudozhnik Roman Sel’s’kiy. URL: https://hutsul. museum/museum/articles/roman-selskyj (data obrashcheniya: 22.07.2021). 
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