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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

D. B. Kabalevsky’s Piano Sonata No. 1 and Problems of its Interpretation

Ge Chang
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The paper provides the fi rst comprehensive analysis of Kabalevsky’s piano sonata No.1 op.6. It considers the correlation of this music with Skryabin’s style. The author highlights the specifi c features of the sonata’s architectonics, its rhythmic and harmonic diversity. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the sonata interpretations by contemporary pianists, resulting into the conclusion that the creation of Sonata No. 1 mostly predetermined further development of D.B. Kabalevsky’s unique composing style.
Keywords: music, sonata, composer, performer, pianist, style, genre, infl uence, music creation, stage, sound recording
1. Abramovskiy G. Violonchel’nyi kontsert i fortepiannye sonaty D. Kabalevskogo. M.: Muzgiz, 1963. 28 s.
2. Abramovskiy G. Tvorchestvo D. B. Kabalevskogo v poslevoennyi period (1945– 1960): dis. … kand. iskusstvovedeniya. L., 1962. Rukopis’. 167 s.
3. Danilevich L. Tvorchestvo D. B. Kabalevskogo. M.: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1963. 198 s.
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