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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Images of Dance in the Works of Interior Porcelain Plastics of the USSR and China in the 1950–1960s

Wang Yu
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This paper is an attempt to compare the images of dance in interior porcelain plastics of the USSR and China in the 1950-1960s. The author provides a brief description of porcelain art, as well as its place in the two countries under consideration. Special attention is paid to such sculptors as Zhou Guozhen, E. A. Yanson-Manizer, V. I. Sychev, and O. L. Zhnikrup. Their works fully refl ect the development of porcelain plastics in terms of the technique of making statuettes and refl ecting the art of dance in them. As a result of the study, it was found out that the works of Chinese and Soviet sculptors have great similarities which are based on the prototype for statuettes (real dancers), their theme (real ballet performances), academically accurate expression of movements and emotions, as well as on the use of innovative technologies (luster paint, glaze).
Keywords: dance, porcelain, plastics, USSR, China, technique, culture, art, comparison.
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