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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Technical and Technological Changes in the Field of Letterpress Printing in St. Petersburg Art of the XXI Century and their Impact on Modern St. Petersburg Woodcut Printing

M. L. Budeeva
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The paper examines the main factors that infl uence the development of modern printed graphics and letterpress techniques in the graphic art of St. Petersburg in the 21st century. Some infl uence of modern technologies on easel printing graphics in general and letterpress techniques in particular can be traced. Attention is paid to the impact of technical and technological changes in letterpress printing on the development of St. Petersburg woodcuts. The author analyzes the current techniques of letterpress printing and examines the work of some St. Petersburg artists using these techniques.
Keywords: printed graphics, letterpress techniques, Petersburg art of the XXI century, printmaking, woodcut, collagraphy, engraving on cardboard.
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Price: 0 рублей
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