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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Two Views of Lübeck during Evolution of German Broadsheet in the XVIIth century

A. F. Esono
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It is logical to try, at least conditionally, to single out certain subgenres that have their own specifi cs inside the phenomenon of the German broadsheet, which is controversial and diffi cult to analyze. Broadsheets with views of cities were printed invariably in line with broadsheets on political, religious, and other themes in the XVII century. They had a historical background, but sometimes, e.g. in the middle of the century, they became of independent signifi cance. The contemplation of the city view, based on a modern topographic engraving, provided with a short poetic text, was apparently the main proposal from the creators of such sheets to the buyer. This determined their compositional solution — a horizontal format and the prevalence of visual image over the text. The study of two samples of such views of a well-known German city of Lübeck allows us to penetrate deeper into the mechanism of interaction between the broadsheet and the viewer, the engraving and its text.
Keywords: broadsheet, German XVII century, baroque, view of the city, Lübeck.
1. Vedzhvud S. Tridtsatiletnyaya voyna. M.: AST, 2015. 576 s.
2. Dollinger F. Ganzeyskiy soyuz. Torgovaya imperiya Srednevekov’ya ot Londona do Pskova i Novgoroda. M.: Tsentropoligraf, 2020. 511 s.
3. Bonnus H. Lübeckische Chronica der fürnemsten Geschichte und Händel der Keyserlichen Stadt Lübeck. 1634 – [166] S.
4. Hampe T. Beiträge zur Geschichte des Buch- und Kunsthandels in Nürnberg. II. Paulus Fürst und sein Kunstverlag // Mitt. aus dem Germanischen Nationalmuseum, Jahrg. 1914/15, pp. 3–127.
5. Melle J. von. Gründliche Nachricht von der Kayserlichen, Freyen, und des H. Römisch. Reichs Stadt, Lübeck...Lübeck, 1713.281 S.
6. Paas J. R. The Changing Landscape of the Competitive Nuremberg Print Trade: The Rise and Fall of Paulus Fürst (1608–1666)// Specialist Markets in the Early Modern Book World. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2015. Pp. 35–63.
7. Schilling M. Bildpublizistik der frühen Neuzeit: Aufgaben und Leistungen des illustrierten Flugblatts in Deutschland bis um 1700. Tübingen: Niemeyer 1990. 503 S.
8. Schilling M. Zum Flugblatt der Frühen Neuzeit: Eine fachwissenschaftliche Einführung // Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbandes 1/2018, Jg. 65. Gottingen: V&R unipress GmbH, 2018. SS. 4–20.
9. Schottenloher K. Flugblatt und Zeitung. Berlin: Richard Carl Schmidt & Co, 1922. 479 S.
10. Zeiler M., Merian M. Erben. Topographia Saxoniae Inferioris // Topographia Germaniae. Frankfurt am Main, 1653.247 S.
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