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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Properties of the Architectural Composition of Christian Church-Building

A. N. Fedorov, Archimandrite Alexander
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This paper considers the architectural components of a traditional Christian church-building. These are both functionally determined spatial elements and typical structures and forms: naves and transepts, altar spaces and apses, deambulatories with a crown of chapels, narthexes and galleries, colonnades and arcades, choirs, empores and triforia, atriums and cloisters, side-altars, baрtisteries, pastoforia, crypts, towers, bell towers and belfries, pillars and ceilings, gables, zakomaras and kokoshniks, roofs, drums and domes, steeples and spiers, bochkas, cubes, quadrangles and octagons, risalites, porticos and porches, portals and windows. The author highlights the features of these elements which have developed historically, and the possibilities of their use in church architecture today.
Keywords: altar spaces, church architecture, domes, drums, zakomaras, kokoshniks, ceilings, sidealtars, steeples.
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4. Fedorov A. N. Izuchenie tipologii khramov kak sostavlyayushchaya arkhitekturnokhudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya // Nauchnye trudy. SPb.: Institut imeni I. E. Repina. 2019. Vyp. 50. S. 9–20.
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