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Humanities and Science University Journal № 62 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Interpretation of Chinese Abstract Elements in Painting by Zhao Wuji

Fan Yanmeng
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In modern abstract painting, a lot of artists explore Chinese elements. The techniques of traditional Chinese painting are fully manifested in the works of Zhao Wuji. It can be viewed from three aspects: compositional patterns, color expression, and lines and strokes. Zhao Wuji’s paintings contain a variety of Chinese elements, and the artist masterfully uses Chinese painting and calligraphy techniques to convey contours through Western oil painting, by subtly embodying the essence and spirituality of the traditional Chinese art and culture. The artist’s works are fi lled with deep feelings and expressiveness of Western art and a sense of space common for Chinese painting. Zhao Wuji’s artistic studies showed the pathway for subsequent generations of Chinese masters.
Keywords: Zhao Wuji, abstraction, painting, composition, color, line, abstract 
elements in painting.
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