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Humanities and Science University Journal № 62 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Russian Opera in Screen Culture

M. M. Kizin
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The paper examines specifi city of fi lm-opera and fi lm-opera as genres that emerged at the junction of two arts, traces the ways of «transferring» artistic meaning from one system to another. The author has analyzed the most signifi cant fi lms-operas based on the works of Russian composers, which appeared mainly in the Soviet period of the 50-60s. On their example it is possible to follow the development of new means of expression, new techniques, successful and unsuccessful solutions in terms of both arts. In addition, the screen versions of the operas refl ected the ideological attitudes of that time, making attempts to create a “correct” image of Russian art. In addition to operas, the paper also pays attention to cartoons based on operas, discusses their specifi cs in comparison with fi lm versions.
Keywords: cinematographer, film-opera, Soviet art, opera performance, language of opera, language of cinema.
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2. Yegorova T. K. Muzyka sovetskogo fi l’ma: istoricheskoe issledovanie: dissertat-
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6. Nogaybaeva-Braytmen E. I. Opera na ekrane: printsipy voploshcheniya: dis. … 
kand. iskusstvovedeniya. Magnitogorsk, 1998. 154 s.
7. Sevast’yanova S. Problema sinteza iskusstv v ekrannom muzykal’nom teatre: 
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8. Frid E. Muzyka v sovetskom kino. L.: Muzyka, 1967. 20 s.
9. Shapiro M., Yegorov M. Problema kinoopery // Iskusstvo kino.1937. № 11. 
S. 22–23. 
10. Sabaneyev L. Opera and the Cinema // The Musical Times. Vol. 81. 1930. 
№. 1163. pp. 9–11.
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