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Humanities and Science University Journal № 62 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Musical Genre in Light of the Theory of Setting the Task of Artistic and Creative Thinking

R. G. Shitikova
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The paper continued to develop the idea of the musical genre as a phenomenon of creative thinking, set forth in the author’s previous publication in the University Scientifi c Journal (2021, No. 61, p. 40–46). The concept of «tasks» proposed by M. K. Mikhailov, which is related to the theory of setting put forward by D. N. Uznadze and the subsequent works of scientists of psychologists and musicologists, is considered as the main one. In this aspect, the categories of genre and creative thinking are correlated. Genres with more or less regulated semantics and structural parameters, which are fairly free from any strict standards, are highlighted. The author specifi es the statement on implementing a task in relation to the studied category at the intersection of the oncoming movement of two vectors, one of which covers the components regulated by the genre tradition, the other deals with the ones regulating the process of composing a new opus 
within the modern artistic context. The author emphasizes the status of genre as a twofold-formed type of intonation, which ensures semantic identifi cation, structuring and contextual generalization of a certain set of texts.
Keywords: genre, musical genre, artistic and creative thinking, setting, task, regulation, piece of music.
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