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The Scientific Opinion №11 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


N. S. Brem
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.11.75.82
The main objective of the study was to track the historical changes in our understanding of the phenomenon of “bad language learners”. The article presents the studies of underachievement in foreign languages carried out in Russia and the US. The author appeals to the works of Russian and western teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists and linguists presenting the issue of underachievement from different points of view. The literature analysis opens a discussion about the influence of language aptitude and linguistic intuition on underachievement in foreign languages; the author critically examines the hypotheses of foreign language learning disability and suggests some reasons for underachievement in foreign languages from the concept of Good language learners studies. The author draws the conclusion that underachievement in foreign languages does not necessarily correlate with the level of IQ. At the same time some psychophysiological traits of students influence the success in learning a foreign language. The author notes that though low motivation can be a reason for underachievement, it can also be a result of academical frustration. 
Key words: underachievement, foreign language aptitude, learning strategies, dyslexia, types of linguistic proficiency.
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