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The Scientific Opinion №11 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


Yu. V. Gavrilova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.11.33.40
The  article  reveals  the  features  of  thanatophobia  from  the  point  of  view  of  the 
philosophical and socio-psychological aspects of its understanding and determines the 
role of thanatophobia in the life of a person and society, who Znd themselves in the 
conditions of the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus. The emphasis is made on the 
fact that the fear of death is not only a destructive factor that destabilises the normal 
functioning of the human mind and body, causing destructive processes in social groups, 
but also a mechanism that contributes to self-preservation and development of society. 
The article concludes that over a long period of their existence, people not only did not 
get rid of the fear of death, but also created a huge number of theories and teachings about death, as well as many means and methods for overcoming thanatophobia. It is noted that thanatophobia accompanies a person throughout the entire period of his/her life and is manifested both at the level of conscience and in the unconscious sphere, expressing itself  in  psychological  syndromes. Thanatophobia  arose  since  the  dawn  of  mankind; the reason for its genesis was the “epistemological vacuum”, and its nature belongs to the area of the relationship between the natural and the social. The author explains the strengthening of thanatophobia in modern society from the standpoint of the emergence and functioning of the socio-psychological phenomenon – the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic that is reflected at the levels of individual and collective consciousness. 
Key words: death, thanatophobia, COVID-19 virus, consciousness, psyche, mental health, finalism, eschatology.
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