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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


Chzhu Tyanyi
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.5.125.130
The article is describing pedagogical methods and approaches of the famous Chinese 
tenor and teacher of singing Shen Xiang. He created his approach to teaching singing 
based on the ideas of his teacher V. Shushlin. Shen Xiang spread his approach all over 
China trying to help other teachers of singing. Till today his teaching approach is popular 
all around the world. The article shows the achievements of his life, his understanding of 
the correct vocal technique, and the correct approach to vocal teaching which, according 
to Shen Xiang, will train a professional singer. 
Key words: Shen Xiang, singing teaching, methods of teaching, voice training, bel canto.
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