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Humanities and Science University Journal № 56 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Jiang Wenye's Third Piano Sonata and its National Origins

Shao Yang
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The purpose of the study is to analyze Jiang Wenye’s Third Piano 
Sonata “Landscape of Jiannan” and identify the manifestation of 
Chinese folk traditions in it. The paper focuses on the history of cre-
ating a musical work, as well as on the personality of the composer, 
gives the main characteristic of his style. It emphasizes the multi-
stage form of musical composition, an attempt to combine Western 
and Chinese musical traditions, as well as imitation techniques of 
national instruments on the piano. The scientifi c novelty of the paper 
lies in the fact that it will allow you to look at the Chinese musical 
art as a vivid phenomenon with its own features. It is also worth not-
ing that currently there are only few works devoted to the analysis 
of Jiang Wenye’s music, his style and the integration of national and 
international musical traditions.
Keywords: Jiang Wenye, sonata, imitation, piano, history, music theory, traditional instruments, traditions.
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