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St. Petersburg


Humanities and Science University Journal № 56 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Research of the Image of St. Petersburg in the Works of the Chinese Artist-Watercolorist, Traveling in Russia: Notes of Dong Kechen, Professor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

Xie Yueyue
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In the period from late XX to early XXI centuries, many well-known Chinese 
painters living in Russia formed a new art community. In the watercolors of 
Chinese master Dong Kecheng on the theme of St. Petersburg, painted during 
his travels in Russia, one can fi nd a wide variety of landscapes: from monu-
ments of Russian architecture on Palace Square to the landscapes of the Neva 
in the rain. Dong Kecheng’s watercolors give viewers the opportunity to stroll 
along the streets of St. Petersburg and enjoy the amazing views of its suburbs. 
This paper is devoted to the analysis of the most striking and representative 
works of Dong Kecheng, consideration of the artist’s creative experience, as 
well as the identifi cation of various artistic features of his work from a par-
ticular critical point of view. This paper summarizes the aesthetic value of the 
works of art by Chinese artists traveling in Russia during the given period, as 
well as the unique historical signifi cance of this new creative direction.
Keywords: travel around Russia; image of St. Petersburg; watercolor; new direction; the 
emergence of a new creative direction.  
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Price: 0 рублей
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