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Humanities and Science University Journal № 56 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

The Role of People's Artist of the USSR Irina Bogacheva in the Formation of Vocal Culture of Modern China

M. V. Smirnova, Li Shusi
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This paper discusses the creative work of the outstanding Russian 
singer I. Bogacheva and the impact that she made on Chinese 
vocal performance and education. The performance style of the 
singer and her place in the vocal culture of the era are considered. 
Statements of major musicians about the art of the singer, as well 
as memories of her Chinese students are given. The performing 
and pedagogical principles of Bogacheva are analyzed in their 
Keywords: vocal, performance, opera, chamber singing, teaching, school, traditions, 
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2. Mao Yan’, Chzhan Tinting. Issledovanie osobennostey prepodavaniya russkoy 
vokal’noy muzyki // Sovremennaya muzyka. 2015. 5 iyulya.
3. Mir iskusstva rezonansnogo peniya — interv’yu s Irinoy Bogachevoy URL: http://
vmorozov.ru (data obrashcheniya: 13.04.2020).
4. Morozov V. P. Iskusstvo rezonansnogo peniya. Osnovy rezonansnoy teorii i 
tekhniki. M.: IP RAN, MGK im. P. I. Chaykovskogo, Tsentr «Iskusstvo i nauka», 2002. 
496 s.
5. Smirnova M. V. Irina Bogachyova: Tvorcheskiy portret. L.: Muzyka, 1985. 32 s. 
6. Fen E. Issledovanie vliyaniya rossiyskogo vokala na razvitie sovremennogo 
kitayskogo vokala // Golos zheltoy reki. 2017. 5 iyulya. 
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